Monday, March 8, 2021

2 day trip to Sonoma County

This was a small getaway that we wanted to do with no particular agenda in mind. We did not plan much either. Booked a place via AirBnb in Guernville, and on the day of travel, threw in a few essentials for all of us and just started the trip. Guernville is about 2.5 hrs from Campbell. We started on Friday afternoon at 2:30 reached the Airbnb around 5 pm. There was a bit of Friday traffic as we crossed SFO area. The entire trip, we chatted, listened to music and listened to the funny conversations among the kids.

The house was in the midst of redwoods, a 1 bedroom place, with an extra sofa bed, a small kitchen, and 1.5 bath. This was recently renovated so everything looked clean and neat. The kitchen had essential pots and pans and flatware, and did not have any seasonings or spices. The place also had good internet connection, a smart TV and washer/dryer and all other essentials for a small family. I think one of the highlights are the two balcony decks at both floors. It was nice to stand outside and look at the tall redwood trees.

After settling in, Sree went to the nearby Safeway and got some groceries - bread, eggs, sausages, ice cream, salad etc. 

The place did have a small downtown area, with some restaurants and bars, but due to COVID, we did not want to expose ourselves and did not bother about togo as well.

Meanwhile the kids felt hungry, so while Sree went for shopping, I made some hot Maggi ( which we had carried) and both kids and myself enjoyed having it in the chill evening. I enjoyed sitting on the deck and looking at the tall redwood trees.

We played a board game and settled in with some dinner that Sree got from Safeway, and some TV. 

The beds in this house was super comfortable and after a well rested night we all woke up only around 9:30 am. We had a late breakfast of toast and eggs , pancakes and sausage and got ready. Our idea was to explore the redwood park nearby, but on checking online we found that it was closed. 

So we decided to go to Occidental,CA and explore the Wrights beach trail there. The drive was very scenic with green hills on one side and the ocean on the other.

We reached and found parking at the beach and walked to the beach. It was a bit chilly, but we had layers. The sea was rough. After a bit of walking, we found a fallen tree, on which we settled down to have our lunch of packed subway sandwiches. After this on Pappu’s insistence, Sree took him and Tara to dip their feet. But a huge wave came and made them completely wet and Pappu almost lost balance. So that’s the end of it. 

They came back, and sat around on the fallen tree again to dry. Then we started walking again. We had fun taking some fun pics and then started back. 

From here, we stopped at a shop on the way to Bodega Bay and got kites. We found a beach nearby and got out and flew the kites. One kite flew fine, but the other had issues.

After around 45 mins here, we started back. Sree had found an ice cream place called ‘Scoop of Sonoma’. We for ice creams from here, kids had cup - vanilla flavor , while Sree had coffee flavor and I had chocolate flavor. This was yummy!

Once we reached the Airbnb, we got in, settled in and had a nice shower.

We made pizza for kids, and made soup and salad for ourselves( just got pre-made ones from Safeway)

After couple of games of telestrations and called it a day with some TV again. 

It was a very relaxing day!

On Sunday, we woke up, packed up, and spent some time on the deck. We again had breakfast of toast and eggs. 

We checked out by 10:45 and on the way back, got down at Petaluma and explored a very scenic trail for about 2 hrs. This is called the Helen Putnam Outer Loop trail. This was one of the most scenic trails I had seen. It almost felt like we were part of switzerland.

After this, we got some 'In and out' burgers for kids and drove back.

We reached home by 3 pm and our Dosa’s which I had doordashed from Komala Vilas were waiting for us :)

This was a great relaxing quick getaway, and hoping to do more of such quick getaways in the future too! Totally encourage folks to make the time for it :)

Signing off, and if you have any recommendations, do add in the comments.

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