Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A quick trip to Yosemite

 A couple of months ago, we had booked a cabin in Curry village, and cabins are hard to come by, so we decided to go on this short 2 day trip to Yosemite. We started on Friday around 2 PM PST, and it took us 5 hours to reach Yosemite.

We stopped over at two places, the first one is a cafe in Morgan Hill called Teresa's Morgan Hill Cafe, which had the best soups. The kids loved them. Sree also liked the coffee there. The next stop was at a mexican place to grab some quick dinner togo.

We reached Yosemite curry village by 8 PM, and figured out parking and the check in. We took our luggage into the cabin. The cabin was decent, with two queen beds. It was also a bit cold, so we all had our quick dinner, went to restrooms, which was outside the cabin, and then called it a night.

Next day, we woke up after a good sleep, went and observed the solar eclipse, and then went to Peets coffee in curry village. We spent a good hour there, chatting with each other. After this, we went back into the cabin to get some jackets and started in the shuttle to do a two mile hike to Dream lake.

The hike was beautiful and very doable, and we took our time to observe the scenary, click many pics at multiple spots and then walked back. Back at curry village, we stood in line for Pizza, and drinks. While Sree was getting the food, the kids made friends with Vivian. Her mom was also there, and we quickly got chatty. She told they were in Yosemite and was expecting to be there for 4 days, and her family is also joining them later in the day.

Post lunch, we invited Vivian to have a playdate with the kids near our cabin. The kids were completely entertained until 7:30 PM. In between we also took our board game and went to the recreation area.

I was feeling a bit nauseous towards the end, so we dropped Vivian with her mom and cousins around 8, and walked back to the cabin. 

We all immediately hit the bed, and got a good 8 hour sleep, barring the couple of restroom visits.

The next morning, we lazed around, had the usual coffee at Peets, packed and drove back to Bay area.

What I loved about this trip is the time we spent as a family outside our phone screens and spending a complete 2 days, with little to no agenda.

A few pics

Watching the Solar Eclipse

At Teresa's after ordering some yummy soup

Solar eclipse again

At peets - rise and shine

In the shuttle

Dream lake

Found this beautiful spot during the hike

Vivian - the new friend 

Enjoying the rays on us

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